There’s often said that in Mexico you can find
a diversity of religious beliefs (o lack of it), but even in that heterogeneity,
most of them will tell that they’ll always follow “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, who
is feasted in December 12th. That day, almost two weeks before Christmas, is taken as the beginning of the longest and funniest marathon of the year, which
last until January 6th of the next year, on Magi’s day. Any excuse is good in
order to pay a tribute to this tradition: friend’s congregations, the office
party, “posadas”, family meetings… you name it!
As several celebration link together,
productivity drops, and people find themselves in gargantuan parties in
concatenation. So if this is your first year in Mexico in this season, get
ready to enjoy one of the most excessive and exquisite local traditions. As Pantagruel you may image that there's no season that I could love more! So start warming your engines towards the longest festivity of the winter, that in the same move closes and opens the year, what a moment! we've been waiting for you!